Crypto Industry in Crisis: Joe Biden Takes No Responsibility

• Joe Biden is responsible for a growing number of mishaps since he entered the White House, including the collapse of the crypto space and the death of the American economy.
• Biden’s administration blamed Trump for America’s sloppy exit from Afghanistan in 2021, despite being in power for seven months before then.
• Joe Biden has never taken responsibility for his actions or offered an apology, instead choosing to shirk blame onto others.

Joe Biden’s Mishaps

Joe Biden has been responsible for a number of mishaps since he first entered the White House. These include the collapse of the crypto space, the death of the American economy, and a border crisis. Despite this clear record of poor leadership, Joe Biden and his fellow nation haters have consistently sought to shirk blame onto others rather than take responsibility for their actions.

Blaming Trump For Afghanistan

In an attempt to deflect blame away from themselves, several members of Biden’s administration issued a report blaming Trump for America’s sloppy exit from Afghanistan in August 2021 – seven months after Trump left office. This was despite multiple warnings from military personnel that such a pullout could lead to catastrophic results – something which ultimately became reality with more than $85 billion worth of top-of-the-line equipment left behind in Afghanistan for the Taliban to steal and become even stronger.

No Apologies or Responsibility

Unfortunately, Biden has never taken responsibility for his actions or offered an apology – instead choosing to pass off blame on others rather than face up to his mistakes. This weak approach is evident not only with regards to America’s exit from Afghanistan but also concerning other matters such as hurting crypto or damaging America’s standing on international stage – suggesting that he simply lacks any presidential instinct or capability as leader of United States.

The Cost Of His Ego

Not only has Joe Biden failed to take any meaningful steps towards rectifying his mistakes, but they have had real consequences – costing lives and damaging America’s reputation abroad . The Afghan debacle alone saw numerous US citizens and allies left behind in Middle Eastern borders nearly two years later due entirely down to decisions made by this administration under direction of President himself. Therefore it is clear that Joe Biden must accept responsibility if he ever hopes to truly rectify these issues going forward.


It is clear that Joe Biden will never take ownership over his own disastrous presidency nor apologize for damage caused during his time in office – preferring instead look elsewhere assign blame onto anyone other than himself despite undeniable evidence proving otherwise . Unfortunately it appears that this strategy will likely continue until either someone else takes charge at White House or until voters themselves finally decide enough is enough come next election cycle .